Exhibitor Information

MAA Guidelines for Exhibiting in Individual and Group Shows
MAA has six gallery spaces that change eight times a year for individual and group shows:
- Ballroom Gallery accommodates 40 moderate sized works & pedestals for sculptures.
- Parlor, Hendrick and Dining Room Galleries each accommodate 15–25 works depending on size.
- The 2 second floor galleries each accommodate 10-15 works depending on size.
Exhibit Dates
Exhibits are typically 5-6 weeks in length. Check the MAA calendar for exhibit dates including Opening Reception dates and exhibiting artist programming planned for each exhibit.
Hanging Information
All work must be framed and wired. No wet paintings will be accepted. Metal frames over 40 inches must have plexiglas rather than glass. Maximum size: no more than 42″ on any one side with exceptions to be decided in consultation with the MAA.
The MAA has a limited number of pedestals available; sculptors should provide their own pedestals or check with staff about availability.
Installation of a show must not damage the walls or floors of the galleries in any way.
Photo Guidelines for the MAA Virtual Exhibit
- Images must be in a JPG format
- Images must be photographed (or cropped ) in a square format such as 3” x 3”
- Resolution can be a minimum of 72 dpi up to 110 dpi
- If your artwork is in a frame please include that in your photo
- Please name each file with the last name of the artist, title, medium, and framed dimension of the artwork.
Example: Name_Title_Medium_Framed Dimension
Please send your images to submissions@marbleheadarts.org. The price of the photographed images should also be included in the email.
Art Drop-Off & Pick-Up
Please submit work that has not been previously shown at the MAA.
All artwork for exhibition shall be delivered to the MAA on the Tuesday (2–4 pm & 7–8 pm) prior to the show opening. For individual exhibitors (solo shows), special load-in and hanging dates may be arranged.
Artwork must be removed from the MAA by the pick-up date; the Tuesday after the show closes or during the open hours of the MAA the week following the close. Please call the shop at 781-631-2608 if other arrangements need to be made. Due to a lack of storage space, the MAA will assess a $5 late fee on all work not retrieved from group shows by the specified pick-up date. The MAA is not responsible for work that is damaged, lost, or stolen after that date. Artwork left more than one month after the pick-up date becomes the property of the MAA.
Exhibit Form
A signed exhibit form must be completed and submitted by the artist when the artwork is brought into the MAA. The form should include title, media, and sale price on those items for sale. Click here for a downloadable PDF of Exhibit form.
All 2 dimensional work MUST have screw eyes (or the like) and wire across the back of the work. MAA has the right to reject work that does not comply with this.
The MAA submits press releases to local and regional media outlets, and also includes exhibit information in electronic communications sent to MAA members and friends.
Opening Reception
The opening reception is usually held the first Sunday of the exhibit from 2–4 p.m.
Gallery Sales
The MAA requests that the majority of work submitted for exhibit be for sale; approximately 80-90%. We encourage artwork sold to remain part of the exhibit until it closes. We also ask that artists be flexible if a piece of their work is sold and the buyer wished to take it on the day of the sale. The artist will be called to bring in another piece of work to replace the piece that was sold. ALL ARTWORK MUST BE PAID FOR AT THE TIME OF PURCHASE.
Commission & Sales Tax
The MAA receives 35% of the gross sales price of any item sold in the galleries. The artist will receive 65%. All sales must be made through and recorded by the MAA gift shop. A 6.25% tax is collected on each sale. Every effort is made to pay artists for their work within a month after the sale.
Terms and Conditions for Submission of Artwork
The submission of artwork for exhibit implies permission for the MAA to photograph, reproduce or use an image of that artwork in the MAA’s promotional materials at its discretion.
The MAA reserves the right to refuse exhibition of work it deems inappropriate for community viewing. All artwork will be openly displayed in the building, in areas open to the public. It is recommended that all artists insure their own works for the duration of the exhibition. The Marblehead Arts Association (MAA) is not responsible in any way for the loss, damage, disappearance or harm of any kind to the works of arts.
Delivery of works to the MAA constitutes an express waiver, release and discharge of all claims, actions or causes of action against the harm of any kind to the works of art, including but not limited to the frame, glass, matting, art, sculpture or any piece or portion of the piece or object in the possession of the MAA or its agents, employees and/or volunteers.
Neither the MAA, its members, agents, employees, nor any volunteers acting on behalf of the MAA, will be held responsible for any loss or damage of any piece or piece thereof of art in its possession.